As the maiden Bachelor of Education Degree programme for Colleges of Education rallies to its end for its first batch, most of its products are ardently preparing for their imminent national service which is also compulsory. These final year trainees hope to be posted to places of comfort defined by the availability of basic amenities including, but not limited to electricity, potable water, good places of convenience, stable network connections and most importantly, affordable places of habitation. Due to the undisputed fact that the National service Scheme utilizes a random posting process which does not discriminate among schools, making it somewhat automatic, these trainees may not actually get their preferred choice of schools or chosen environments since they have no control whatsoever over this process of posting except utilize the ''BACKDOOR''.

The BACKDOOR aforementioned simply involves contacting officials who supposedly work at the national service secretariat or persons who claim of securing links with these officials, paying them some tokens in the forms of cash, and in return helping these trainees secure their preferred places for their National service. This has been a norm in tertiary education and has no tendency of ending anytime soon. Unfortunately, several unscrupulous persons have taken this opportunity to rid their mates off their hard earned monies, pretending and posing to be persons linked with the National Service Secretariat or having associates there. This article hopes to create awareness in final year trainees who have had and hatched thoughts of securing their preferred schools for their mandatory service and help them identify such scams, and unscrupulous persons and subsequent deals. 


1. These persons who pose as officials of the Scheme are usually trainees and other tertiary students who have sufficient knowledge in computing/ICT and can forge/edit documents to gain the trust of his target.

2. Are persons who seldom talk about themselves or their places of residence.

3. Are persons with such common fraudulent names as Mr. Charles, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Robertson, Sir Macarthy, Sir Wright and a host of other names.

4. Are persons who are always online and updating their target on the norms of the service and clearing their confusions by answering frequently asked question. NB: Most of the answers to these questions can be found online without any stress. Check HERE. Again You can have your questions answered by contacting the Scheme's official handle on Facebook and other social media or visit their official website HERE


These scammers use social media such us Facebook, WhatsApp and Telegram as their modes of operation. They ensure that everything looks official by creating several other groups all run by one person who never talks about himself and usually DOES NOT allow for phone or video calls. Their prices range from GHC100 to GHC750, making you aware that half of work will be done by their targets who have to make sure that, their preferred places of posting accept National service personnel. After successfully scamming their prey, they tilt the blame to their targets of not properly researching about their preferred places of posting, with monies paid NOT REFUNDABLE. These scammers more often than not, DISALLOW group chats and comment sessions on the sheer premise that some comments are irrelevant, misleading and redundant. Others allow for comments at the initial stages but halt it prior to making payments or after payments.  


Trainees and all other persons who fall within the National Service bracket are hereby entreated to remain assertive and on the look out for these petty frauds as these persons who extort their monies may be their own colleagues or mates or in a more severe case, persons who have not even step foot into any tertiary institution for any particular training. YOU MUST PHYSICALLY KNOW THE PERSON WHO PROMISES HELP YOU WITH SPECIAL POSTING TO YOU HELP SEEK REFUND INCASE THE DEAL DOES NOT GO THROUGH.


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