THE BASE through this article, enlightens teacher trainees in the various colleges of education in the country who fall within the final year categor,  and who are eagerly anticipating their national postings on the Requirements and need-to-facts about about the National Service Scheme. READ ON...

Overview Of The Entire National Service Procedures From Registration To Earning Your Allowance

1. Pin codes are released by the national service secretariate

2. You check for pin code on the national service portal

3. You make payment to activate your pin code on the national service portal

4. You Proceed to register (enroll) for the national service online

4. Placement (postings) will be released days after registration

5. You check for placement (postings) on the national service portal

6. You print appointment letter
7. You send the appointment letter to the institution you have been posted to for them to endorse it.

8. After the endorsement, you schedule an appointment for regional validation and acceptance on the national service website.
After validation there comes biometric registration.

9. After the biometric registration and days into your service you would be required to login to your dashboard. There would be an option to enter your ezwitch card details.

10. You would be required to print your evaluation form getting to the middle of every month and have it endorsed by your supervisor in your institution and submit it to the regional office before 15th of every month before you are paid.

11. Getting to the end of the national service, you would be required to print a yearly evaluation form from your dashboard, submit it to your supervisor to be filled and stamped then send it to your regional national service office.

12. You can then request for your certificate online after the national service and have it delivered to you.

National Service Registration Requirements:

Eligibility for national service is presently limited to only young Ghanaians who are eighteen years and above at the time of completing or obtaining their first tertiary education degree or diploma.

1. Means of identification, which is either a valid National ID Card, Voters Card(may not be accepted), SSNIT Card, Passport or Driver’s License. 
Note that health insurance card is not allowed.

2. Scanned passport picture not more than 1mb. Note that this will appear on the final certificate.

3. Applicant information. This include your name, sex, name of institution, course of study, date of birth, nationality, email, contact, region, residential address, Ghana post gps address, guardian information, next of kin.

4. Service information. This include whether you are currently employed, on study leave, have done service before, have military training, your height and clothing size details.

5. Posting preference.  You must choose three regions that you would like to be posted to, in order of preference.
Your industrial preference, you must choose either  educational support, business support or entrepreneurship in order of preference for the three regions selected.

NOTE: in this era of NATIONAL SERVICE REGISTRATION, Fake WhatsApp groups with the intension of helping trainees with special postings are becoming rampant. THE BASE will, In the next post, expose some of these scammers to Keep trainees informed. 

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