EBS 337
Answer ALL the questions on the question paper.

1. The use of on-screen text or symbols to highlight important information is known as
A.  Segmenting
B.  Weeding
C.  Matching modality
D.  Signaling
2.   The process of using both the audio or verbal channels and the visual or pictorial channel to convey new information is termed as………………………….
A.  Segmenting
B.  Weeding
C.  Matching modality
D.  Signaling
3.   A…………………………tool can connect teachers and students across designated networks over a high speed internet connection
A. video or webconferencing
B.  visual Aid
C.  Mind 
D.   Ubiquitous computer
4.  An innovative trend in ICT education that seek to provide information to every learner and create learning environment that assume universal access to technology is…………..
A. One-to-Many Computing
B.  One-to-One Computing
C.  Multi-Computer Classroom
D. Many-to-One Computing
5.  Mr. Oppong uses video for demonstration to teach Types of Computers at the computer lab. Indicate which construct of knowledge or framework used.
C.   TCK
6.   A digital representation of a non-text information such as icons, clip arts, illustrations , diagrams etc is known as ……………………..
A. Text
B.  Animation
C. Transition
D.  Graphics 
7.  The kind of training in which all learning materials are uploaded on the internet for learners to access is termed as ………
A.  Computer-Assisted Instruction
B.  Computer Aided Design
C.  Computer-Based Training
D.  Web-Based Training
8.  Gramophones, compact disks (CDs), Compact disk-Read Only Memory (CD-ROM), CD-Recordable (CD-R), CD-RW (Re-Writable), Digital Versatile Disk, (DVD), DVD-R, DVD-RW, Blue-Ray disks are all multimedia storage collectively called………
A.  Magnetic storage
B.  Flash Memory
C.  Optical storage
D.  Cloud storage
9.   A space, sizable enough to occupy by computers and other accessories which provide computer services to a defined community is a…………………..
A.  Resoure Centre
B.  Computer lab
C.  Simulation room
D.  School Library

10.  A software program or hardware, which check and block messages coming from external sources onto your PC is called……
A.  Firewall
B.  Virus
D.  Spyware
11.   ………………….refers to the efficiency of teachers in using computers
A.  educational technology, E.T
B.  Computer-Aided Instruction, CAI
C.   Web-Based Training, WBT
D.  Computer-Based Training, CBT
12.  In planning to integrating technology into the curriculum the first step is to ………………
A.  State Objectives
B.  Require Learner Participation
C.  Analyze learners
D.  Select Instructional Methods
13.  Classroom management plan entails all of the following except…….
A.  Organisation
B.  Planning
C.  Monitoring
D.  Communication
14.  Computer can primarily serve all the following roles  except……
A.  Computer as a tutor
B.  Computer  Providing practice
C.  Computer as a support
D.  Computer as mindtool
15.  Hypertext is one key concept of the world wide web, www. Web pages are often written in a special language called……….?
16.  ………………….. is a text displayed on a computer and other electronic devices for readers to immediately access. 
A.  Hypertext
B.  Hyperlink
C.  SMS Messages
D.  Hypermedia 
17.  The type of cognitive load Learning experience in which the level of cognitive activity necessary to reach the desired learning outcome is…………….
A.  germane load
B.  extraneous load
C.  intrinsic load
D.  Cognitive load
18..   The combination of two or more media elements such as text, video, audio etc to convey information to audience is referred to as ……………….
A.  Integration
B.  Hypermedia
C.  Multimedia
D.  Multitasking 
19.   One innovative trend in ICT education associated with the emergence of increasing rebust connectivity and computing anytime, everywhere is term often referred to as….
A.   Cloud Computing
B.  Gaming 
C.  Ubiquitous learning
D.  Mobile learning
20.   A learning platform designed to provide educators, administrators and learners with secure and integrated system to create personalized learning environment is…………..
A.  Wikis
B.  Moodle
C.  Padlet
D.  Google

1.  State four potential benefits associated with technology integration in the classroom.

2. a.  Define the term Computer Lab  (2marks)

b.  State and explain Four (4) factors to be considered when setting up a computer lab at your college. 2marks each

3.   Explain any five (5) barriers associated with Technology Integration in the classroom. (10 marks)

4. a.  Define the term Multimedia. _____________________________________________________________________________________

b. Explain the following elements of Multimedia
i.  Text__________________________________________________________________________
ii.  Animation ____________________________________________________________________
iii. Video________________________________________________________________________
iv. Audio  _______________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________2marks each

5. a. State three reasons teachers should use TPACK in the teaching. 2marks each
b.    Write down two importance of Multimedia in education         2marks each 

Marking Scheme
 D   Signaling
C   Matching Modality
A.   Video/Webconferencing
B.  One-to-One Computing
   D  Graphics
D. Web-Based Training
C. Optical Storage
B.  Computer Lab
A.  Firewall
A.  Educational Technology
C.  Analyze Learners
B. Planning
B.  Providing practice
A.  Hypertext
A.  Germane load
C.  Multimedia
C. Ubiquitous Learning
B.  Moodle

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