(EBS 412)


Trial Questions


1. The UGCC was the first political party in the Gold Coast. True/False?


2. All the following were killed as a result of the 1948 riots except

A.Corporal Attipoe

B.Private Odartey Lamptey

C.Sergeant Adjetey

D.Sergeant Ayitey


3. The Chairaman of the Watson commission was

A.Mr. I.K Watson

B.Mr. Aiken Wason

C.Mr. Iking Watson

D.Mr. Aiken Watson


4. Two days after the coup of February 26, 1966. the chairman of the NLC informed Ghanaians that they had no political ambitions and were anxious to hand over to a civilian government, due to the following reasons except..

A. Pressure by ambitious politicians and the educated elite

B. Fear of division in the army

C. Counters coups

D. The fear that the leaders would be assassinated


5. There was a palace coup that removed NRC and replaced it by a seven-member

Supreme Military Council (SMC) on

A. October, 1972

B. October 1975

C. October, 1976

D. October, 1977


6. The emergence of kalabule became popular in Ghana between 

A. 1970 -1977

B. 1974 - 1981

C. 1972 - 1979

D. 1973 - 1978


7. One of the reasons for the fall of Busia’s regime was ————————————.


8. On the day of independence, the _______________________ which was the British flag was lowered at the National Assembly building and Ghana’s own flag was hoisted.


9. When was Dr. Kofi Abrefa Busia overthrown? ________________


10. The National Redemption Council was reorganized and took the name ______________________________.


11. Following the disturbances of the 1948 riots, Sir General Creasy was removed from office and replaced with ____________________________________.


12. The last governor of the Gold Coast was _________________________.


13. ___________________________ was the commission appointed to see into the causes of the 1948 disturbances.


14. As a result of the introduction of the Avoidance of Discrimination Act, the opposition parties during the regime of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah united to form the United Party in 1957 in order to avoid ____________________________.


15. The Guggisberg constitution lasted for how many years? __________________


16. Which of the following was not a problem faced by the veterans?

A. Many had no jobs

B.Some had no houses to live in

C.They were not paid their pensions which they were promised before they went for the

D. They were looking for an opportunity to express their displeasure


17. Dr. Kwame Nkrumah’s foreign policy was guided by two principles, world peace and ___________________________.


18. The first notable achievement of Sir Gordon F. Guggisberg was the construction of the _________________________.


19. Sir Alan Burns became the governor of the Gold Coast from __________to ________.


20. When was the CPP formed? _____________________


21. Article 55 of the 1960 Republican Constitution gave Nkrumah the chance to dismiss the chief justice. Therefore it increased his dictatorial tendencies. True/False?


22. The main architects of the 1966 coup were ______________________________________ and ___________________________________


23. When was the NLC formed? _____________________________________________


24. It is evident that innocent people were molested under the regime of the AFRC. True/False?


25. Which of these were not passed between 1957 and 1958?

A. Avoidance of Discrimination Act

B. Deportation Act

C. Emergency Power Act

D. None of the above


26. “The little benefits that we were enjoying, Busia had taken away from us”. This statement is attributed to

A. Colonel Emmanuel Kotoka

B. Colonel Acheampong

C. Major Afrifa

D. Ignatius Arthur


27. The Ghana Education Service was established under whose regime?

A. Colonel Kutu Acheampong

B. Colonel Erskine

C. Dr. Busia

D. Dr. Kwame Nkrumah


28. Gordon Guggisberg became the governor of Gold Coast from ________ to _________.


29. The Union Goverment under Acheampong’s regime composed of all the following


B. The police and the Army

C. All the above

D. Not at all


30. The major aim of Nkrumah’s foreign policy was to ensure _________________


31. Mention the four political ideologies practiced by Nkrumah



32. The NLM was formed ahead of independence and liberation of Asante. Mention one demand of the NLM.



33. Mention two achievements of the governor Gordon Guggisberg



34. Identify one objective each of the CPP and the UGCC

35. The longest military administration in Ghana lasted for how many years? ________


36. Write briefly on the following

a. Aliens Compliance Order

b. Deportation Act


37. Mention two effects of the 1948 riots


38. The University of Cape Coast was established under whose administration?


39. The Okomfo Anoakye hospital attained the status of a Teaching Hospital under whose regime?


40. Indicate the tenure of the following administrations

I. Nkrumah’s administration ________________

II. Busia’s administration ____________________

III. The administration of the NLC ______________

IV. The Acheampong and Akuffo regime  ________________

V. Dr. Liman’s administration ___________________

VI. The SMC II ________________

VII. The AFRC ______________








1. Who recommended Kwame Nkrumah to the members of the UGCC to be accepted as the party’s secretary

A. B. A Arko Adjei

B. E. A Arko Adjei

C. J. B Danquah

D. William Ofori Atta




2. The revolutionary and radical approach to self-government was linked to the

A. The Convention People’s Party(CPP)

B. The National Liberation Council(NLC)

C. The Progressive Peoples Party(PPP)

D. The United Gold Coast Convention(UGCC)




3. Which Governor is noted for the construction of a deep-water harbour at Takoradi

A. Sir Allan Burns

B. Governor Gerald Creasy

C. Sir Frederick Gordon Guggisberg

D. Sir Noble Arden-Clarke




4. The full term for the acronym A.W.A.M in relation to the 1948 riots is

A. Accusation of West African Merchants

B. Association of West African Men

C. Association of West African Military

D. Association of West African Merchants




5. Who among these ordered the shooting and the consequent killing of the three ex-servicemen

A. Superintendent Imray

B. Police Inspector Harley

C. Governor Gerald Creasy

D. Dr. Kwame Nkrumah




1. Guggisberg increased the number of Ghanaians occupying senior positions in the civil service from three(3) to

A. Thirty four (34)

B. Thirty eight (38)

C. Thirty seven (37)

D. Thirty-two (32)

2. Sir Allan Burns became governor of the Gold Coast in

A. 1921

B. 1925

C. 1941

D. 1945

3. Introduction of party politics in the country(Ghana) is associated with leaders of the CPP

A. True

B. False

4. The Preventive Detention Act (PDA) led to the arrest of R.R Amponsah and .........in 1958

A. B. A Inusah

B. D. A Aluka

C. M.K Apaloo

D. R. A Ampah

5. The last British Governor General of the Gold Coast was called.......

A. Lord Lest

B. Lord Lestewel

C. Lord I mary

D. Lord Listowel



1. The following are the key areas of the Gold Coast economy that Guggisburg tackled in performing his role as Governor of the colony except….

a) Agriculture

b) Development

c) Transport

d) Industry


2. In which year was the new constitution introduced which made Ghana a republic

a) 1957

b) 1844

c) 1960

d) 1848


3. After a referendum was conducted in 1964, Ghana was officially declared…………………on February 21, 1965.

a) Multi party state

b) Independent state

c) One party-state

d) Two party-state


4. Who were the three ex-service men who were shot by the order of Superintendent Imray at their peaceful march to present a petition to the governor, Sir Gerald Creasy?

a) Sargent Adjetey, Corporal Attipoe and Private Odartey Lamptey

b) Lieutenant J.J Rawlings, Ako Adjei and Corporal Adjetey

c) Dr. K A Busia, Private Odartey Lamptey and Dr. Nkrumah

d) Brigadier A.K Ocran, Major General E.K Kotoka and Lt. General J.A Ankrah


5. After Dr. Kwame Nkrumah had dismissed the new constitution proposed as “bogus and fraudulent”, what was the next needful thing he talked about?

a) Independence

b) Positive action

c) Democracy

d) Economic stability


1. Which of the following personality was among the three ex-servicemen who were shot to death during the peaceful march to the Christiansburg Castle?

a. Ako Adjei

b. Corporal Attipoe 

c. Sir. Gerald Creasy

d. Kojo Botsio


2. Ghana was officially declared a one - party state on which year?

a. 1960

b. 1966

c. 1965 

d. 1950

3. Which of the following is an effect of the 1948 riot?

a. Shortage of housing in the urban areas 

b. The introduction of the 1925 constitution

c. The preservation of the native institutions

d. Poor road networks


4. The first military government in Ghana was……..?

a. The National Liberation Movement

b. The Convention People’s Party

c. The National Liberation Council 

d. United Gold Coast Convention


5. A constitutional commission was set up in September, 1966 under the chairmanship of …..

a. Chief Justice Edward Akuffo Addo

b. Paa Grant

c. Private Odartey Lamptey

d. Dr. Kwame Nkrumah


1. After a referendum in 1964, Ghana was declared a one-party state on.

a. February 21, 1965 

b. February 25, 1967

c. January 1 , 1960

d. March 6, 1957


2. The last British Governor general of the Gold Coast was called?

a. Brandford Griffth

b. Lord Listowel 

c. Ellias Svane

d. Sir steven Hills


3. The independence proclamation of 1957 was made at?

a. The old polo ground in Accra 

b. Elmina castle

c. Cape Coast castle

d. Parliament house


4. To preserve the forest and its resources, Guggisberg passed the Forest bill in?

a. 1922

b. 1942

c. 1926

d. 1927


5. Guggisberg’s constitution of 1925 for the Gold Coast lasted for how many years

a. Twenty-five years

b. Twenty-one years

c. Ten years

d. Twenty years



1. The last British governor to leave the Gold Coast after independence was;

A. Frederick Gordon Guggisberg

B. Superintendent Imray

C. Lord Listowel 

D. Arden Clarke


2. The National Liberation Council presided over the country from .................

A. 1969 to 1972

B. 1966 to 1969 

C. 1956 to 1969

D. 1956 to 1966


3. What was the last political ideology Nkrumah practice during his reign as president?

A. Consciencism 

B. Socialism

C. Nkrumahnism

D. Capitalism


4. Under whose administration did Ghana become the world's leading producer of cocoa?

A. Dr. K.A Busia

B. J.A Ankrah

C. R.S Ratray

D. Dr. Kwame Nkrumah

5. The first coup to ever happen in Ghana occured on .........

A. 6th March, 1957

B. 24th February, 1966

C. 1st July, 1960

D. 4th September, 1960



1. In preserving Gold Coast's cultural heritage, Guggisberg encouraged......

a) Establishment of more schools

b) Establishment of more churches

c) Establishment of more sacred grooves

d) Anthropological centers


2. With regards to the development of education in the North, Guggisburg drew up a personal

a) Diary

b) Memorandum 

c) A personal ordinance

d) Constitution


3. Which of the following precipitated the overthrown of Kwame Nkrumah?

a) His proposal of one-party state

b) His marriage to a foreigner

c) His involvement in foreign affairs

d) His failure to build more schools


4. Which of the following government introduced "Operation Feed Yourself" programme?

a) UGCC b) NRC c) CPP d) NLC


5. Which of the following personalities built the Korle-Bu Hospital?

a) Dr. Kwame Nkrumah

b) Ingatius Kutu Acheampong

c) Sir Gordon Guggisberg

d) Sir Eden




1. Who was the first Minister of Finance under the 1st Republic of Ghana?

A. J. B. Dankwah

B. R. S. Blay

C. Komla Gbedemah

D. Kojo Botsio

2. The 1948 riots took place under the governorship of …………?

A. Sir Gordon Guggisburg

B. Sir Noble Arden-Clarke

C. Sir Lord Listowel

D. Sir Gerald Creasy

3. The following were the political ideas of Kwame Nkrumah except…….?

A. Socialism

B. Capitalism

C. Consciencism

D. Nazism 

4. The Head of State under the National Liberation Council was ………..?

A. Major A. A. Afrifa

B. Lt. General J. A. Ankrah

C. Major General E. K. Kotoka

D. Brigadier A. K. Ocran

5. Who was appointed the chairman of the Centre for Civic Education in 1966-1969?

A. Mr J. W. K. Harlley

B. Dr. Abrefa Busia

C. Major A. A. Afrifa

D. B. A. Yakubu

6. The Korle-Bu Hospital was commissioned in the year ………?

A. 1919

B. 1921

C. 1923

D. 1927

7. The superintendent of education appointed for the northern territories in 1926 was ……..?

A. Rev. A. H. Candler

B. Rev. A. J. Frazer

C. Rev. Andreas Riis

D. Rev. Joseph Downwell

8. Which of the following positions did Kwame Nkrumah occupied in governance in the year 1951?

A. Prime Minister

B. President

C. Leader of government business

D. Member of Parliament

9. Which president offered Kwame Nkrumah the position of a co-president after he was overthrown?

A. Sekou Toure

B. Haile Selassie

C. Nelson Mandela

D. Robert Mungabe

10. The Convention Peoples Party was formed on ………?

A. 12th June 1947

B. 12th August 1947

C. 12th June 1949

D. 12th August 1949

11. Dr. Abrefa Busia was removed from office in the year ……..?

A. 1966

B. 1969

C. 1972

D. 1975

12. The secretary-general of the Asante Youth Association was ………?

A. Atta Mensah

B. Krobo Edusei

C. E. P. Brown

D. Paa Grant

13. The first Chief Justice under the newly independent Ghana was ………?

A. Sir Arku Korsah

B. Mr. E. R. T. Madjitey

C. J. Kwasi Lamptey

D. Ako Adjei

14. Nana Agyemang Prempeh I was brought back from exile and reinstalled as Kumasihene under the governorship of ………?

A. Sir Gordon Guggisburg

B. Sir Noble Arden-Clarke

C. Sir Lord Listowel

D. Sir Gerald Creasy

15. Who was the first Ghanaian Professor?

A. Dr. Abrefa Busia

B. J. B. Dankwah

C. R. S. Blay

D. J. E. O. Nunoo

16. The Deportation Act was popularly known under whose government?

A. Kwame Nkrumah

B. Lt. General J. A. Ankrah

C. Dr. Abrefa Busia

D. Major General E. K. Kotoka

17. The Volta River Hydro-Project at Akosombo was commissioned on………?

A. 23rd January, 1963

B. 13th January, 1965

C. 23rd January, 1966

D. 13th January, 1968

18. All the following were part of the fall of the 1966-1972 government except?

A. Apollo 568

B. Aliens Compliance Order

C. The Yendi Skin Affair

D. Ghana Business Promotion Act

19. All the following were political parties during the 1954 elections except?

A. Ghana Congress Party

B. United Gold Coast Convention

C. Convention Peoples Party

D. Progress Party

20. Which committee was set up to investigate the 1948 riots?

A. Coussey Committee

B. Watson Committee

C. Phelps-Stoke Committee

D. Dzobo Committee














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