Several queries have been made through the official handles of THE BASE via Telegram, Facebook, and twitter concerning the probe, whether final year trainees in the colleges of education are to pay examination fees for the first semester of their final academic year which was solely dedicated to their off campus teaching practice. Authoritatively, the parent body of Colleges of education TTAG, requested that these final year trainees halt the payment of GHC 370 purported to be for the payment of their teaching practicum fees, after the aforementioned body, TTAG engaged major stakeholders including GTEC, UCC and PRINCOF, on the need to scrape this practicum fees. 

On this premise, most trainees halted the payment of this practicum fees and decided rather to pay for their second semester examination fees which amounted to GHC400 after an initial proposition of GHC420 was also further reduced by TTAG and relevant stakeholders. Unfortunately for these trainees, the payment system through which they decided to settle their second semester examination fees demanded that they paid the halted GHC370 teaching practicum fees which their parent body TTAG instructed them to hold on to its payment. This unfortunate situation forced final year trainees to completely disregard the payment of their examination fees due to the uncertainties and undue disparities in the payment system.
It is also worthy of note that several final year trainees made early payments of their teaching practicum fees before TTAG's subsequent instruction of holding on to payments. The aforementioned body assured these trainees that their funds will be refunded to them unscathed.


After several follow-ups and minor investigations, THE BASE can confirm that, the issue of the payment system which required that trainees paid the halted teaching practicum fees before proceeding to pay for their second semester examination fees has been resolved and trainees can effortlessly pay their second semester exams fees of GHC400. As stated, the amount payable is GHC400 and not GHC420. If there are any further directives on the payment of the scraped teaching practicum fees, it will be addressed by TTAG when the need arises. Again teacher trainees who made early payment of their fees should expect an official release from TTAG and their respective colleges regarding how they will receive their funds. Trainees in this bracket should therefore disregard circulations that, their earlier paid teaching practicum fees have already been used by their colleges. These are false and baseless assumptions which only incite undue anguish and should their be disregard completely.


4 تعليقات

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  1. They should just let us add 30gh to the 370gh that's all

  2. What about those of us who had already paid the 370
    They should have addressed us too


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