1.     The type of HIV most commonly found in west Africa is


A.    SLV

B.    HIV-2

C.    HIV-I

D.    HIV-3

2.     The stage of HIV infection where individuals suffer from simultaneous opportunistic infections is known as

A.    Asymptomatic sero-positive phase

B.    Clinical illness insufficient for a diagnosis of AIDS

C.    Clinical illness sufficient for diagnosis of AIDS

D.    Point of infection

3.     In Ghana, health officials use the following combinations to diagnose someone as having AIDS.

                                        1.   3 minor signs, plus 2 major signs, plus a confirmed HIV Antibody test

11.     2 major signs, plus I minor sign, plus a confirmed HIV Antibody test

111.   2 minor signs plus 2 major signs, plus a confirmed HIV Antibody test

IV. 3 major signs, plus a confirmed HIV Antibody test

A.    1, 11 and IV

B.    lland1V

C.    11, 111 and IV

D.    1 and IV

4. One of the following is not a major sign and symptom of HIV

A.    Diarrhea for one month or more

B.    Persistent fever for more than one month

C. Persistent night sweat

D Weight loss for more than 10%

5.     Where there is decline in school enrolment, HIV is seen to have affected education in terms of

A.     Curriculum

B.     Reduction in availability of resources

C.     Reduction in demand

D.     Reduction in supply

6.     A counselor who discloses a highly personal information such as HIV status, without the informed consent of the client is supposed to breach the ethical principle of

A.    Abuse of human right


B.     Confidentiality

C.     Privacy

D.    Secrecy

7.     All the following cause damage to the genital tract which allow for transmission of HIV except

A.    Abrasions due to forceful sexual intercourse

B.     Abrasions during child birth

C.     Poor hygienic practices

D.    Sexually transmitted diseases

8.     One reason why mosquitoes do not serve as mode of HIV transmission is that when they bite an individual they

A.    Inject blood to replace the saliva they suck

B.     Inject blood which carries the malaria parasite and HIV

C.     Inject saliva which carries the malaria parasite devoid of HIV

D.    Suck blood which carries the malaria parasite and HIV

9.     Individual stigmatization and discrimination against HIV and AIDS cannot be reduced by

A. Community debates on HIV and AIDS

B. Decreasing myths and misconceptions about HIV and AIDS

C. Increasing the self-esteem of PLWHA

D. Increasing the supply of anti-retroviral drugs for PLWHA

10. The prevalence rate of HIV in Ghana as at December, 2010 was

A.    1.7%     B. 1.9%           C. 2.0%                 D. 2.7%

11. One of the economic factors that make women more vulnerable to HIV and AIDS is

A.    Commercial sex

B.     Early onset of menarche

C.     Larger surface area of vagina

D.    Undiagnosed STIs

12. A powerful and discrediting social label that radically changes the ways individuals view themselves and are viewed by others is referred to as

A.    Discrimination

B.     Internalized stigma

C. Stigma

D. Value judgment

13. The first case of HIV infection in Ghana was detected in

                                     A. 1981               B. 1983                      c. 1989                     D. 1986

15.  Knowing one's I I l V status has the Il)llowing advantages czccpt the A. Early diagnosis and treatment of opportunistic infection ll. Possibilit)' o/ abstaining /i•om sex

C. Possibility ol' making lifèstylc changes to remain healthy

                                        l). Possibility Ol' planning    one's fliturc

16.  In pre-test counseling, the counselor

A.    Assesses client's knowledge of I IIV/AII)S

B.     Emphasizes on confidentiality

C.     Obtains a sexual history of client

I). Fill the above

17.  The region most affected by the HIV and AIDS epidemic is . . .

A.    Eastern Europe

B.    North America

C.     C. South Eastern Asia

D.     Sub-Saharan Africa


A.                 All new born babies should be given Nevaripine within 72 hours of birch

B.                 Issume that everyone is Ill Vpositive until proven otherwise C. At the point of infection, the person has no signs or symptoms of the

l). Not all unprotected sex will lead to infection

20.          which of the following constitutes sexual harassment?

A.    An unwanted sexual contact with a family member

B.    Engaging in sexual contact of any kind with a child

C.    Remarks or physical gestures made in a sexual manner that cause physical or emotional discomfort

D. Violent act in which a person is forced to have sexual intercourse


21.          The most common test for HIV is

A.    Anti-infection test

B.    Basic anti-body test

C.    Blood screening test

D.    ELISA test

22.          Opportunistic infection means

A.    An infection that develops as a result of the weak immune system of a person

B.    A disease that takes opportunity of people

C.    An infection that takes opportunity of the weakness of a person

D.    A disease that infects people who are careless about sex

23.          A collection of illnesses such as fever, diarrhoea, weight loss, night sweats, thrush and herpes zoster is referred to as

A.     AIDS Related Complexes

B.     Complex Related AIDS

C.     Related AIDS Complex

D.     Related Complex AIDS


The World AIDS Day falls on

A.     1st December every year

B.     1 st Friday of December every year

C.     I st November every year

D.     3 1 st December every year

25.          Why are the two acronyms HIV and AIDS usually put together?

A.    HIV usually leads to AIDS

B.     They put together just fork conveniences   

C.     They are both sexually transmitted diseases

D.    They are usually understood better when they are put together

26.          Which type(s) of HIV is most common in Ghana?

                                            A. HIV-I                       B. HIV-2                  C. HIV-I and HIV-2

27.          At what level of Helper T-celAs per micro liter of blood will a person be diagnosed of AIDS?

A.   Less than 200

B.    More than 200

C. Between 800-1200 

D. Less than 800

28.          Why is HIV a lenti-virus?

A.    It is because HIV reduces the life span of people who get infected

B.    It is because HIV generally has longer life

C.    It is because HIV has no cure


D.    It is because it has the ability to hide itself to avoid being detected by human body at the point of entry.

29.          All the following theories trace the origin of HIV to the Simian Immune-deficiency

Virus (SIV) except

A.    The hunter theory

B.     The oral theory

C.     Contaminated theory

D.    Colonialism theory

E.     Conspiracy theory

30.          All the following explain why HIV is not transmitted through mosquitoes except

A.  HIV cannot survive in a mosquito

B.   HIV survives in blood but not in saliva

C.   Mosquito cannot inject blood only saliva

D.  HIV  gets activated as soon as it enters the mosquito

31.          Most infected women are in the age group

A.    10-25 years

B.     15-35 years

C.     20-40 years

D.    30-45 years

32.          Which of the following parts of the world had the highest number of people living with HIV and AIDS in 2007?

A.    South and South-East Asia

B.     Western and Central Europe

C. Sub-Saharan Africa

D. North Africa and Middle East

33.      All the following do not pose any risk of HIV infection except

A.    Sex with a condom

B.     Donating blood

C.     Eating from the same plate with HIV infected person

D.    hugging

34.      What reason in HIV transmission forms the basis of the advice to avoid sharing needles?

A.     They cut and leave open wounds through which the HIV can enter

B.      The instruments can retain small amounts of Ill V-infected Wood which can be passed on to the next user

C.      The instruments were made for single use and do become tools for transmitting HIV if used on another person

D.     All sharp instruments can reach deep to vein and make them points for Ill V entry


35.      All blood-sucking insects are not capable of transmitting HIV simply because .

A.    The insects do not suck the blood of people with Ill V

B.     After sucking blood. they develop new proboscis before sucking blood again from another person

C.     They digest sucked blood and everything they contain before biting another


D.    HIV cannot survive in the cells of insects

E.     The insects become infected and die so all those that bite do not have the virus in them

36.      The blood test for HIV status can yield positive results

A.    Immediately a person gets the virus into the body

B.     After a person has developed detectable amounts of antibodies

C.     When the person's immune system is completely destroyed

D.    When opportunistic infections begin to attack the person

37.      Some people are reluctant to go for the Counselling and Testing (VCT) for the reason that

A.  They cannot stand the consequences when the results turn out positive

B.  They consider it a waste of time since knowing one's status does not change anything

C.  The cost of the VCT is too high for ordinary people to bear

D.  They believe they gave strong immune system that will not allow the HIV virus to enter into their bodies

38.      The need for confidentiality is considered crucial in the effort to stem the spread of HIV because

A.     It ensures that people are given the support they require if they are found to carry the virus

B.     Those who disclose the HIV status of people to others get some reward

C.     It prevents health care providers and counselors from disclosing the HIV status of people without informed consent of clients

D.     Without confidentiality countries will not receive donor support for HIV and AIDS activities

39.      Which of the following is not a reason why HIV positive people should avoid alcohol and smoking?

A.     Alcohol and smoking of cigarettes and other drugs weaken the body and expose it to infections

B.      The use of alcohol and cigarettes may lead to making poor decisions concerning one's health

C.      Alcohol and drugs reduce and individual's appetite for food thus deprive a person the nutrients the body needs

D.     Whenever people drink or smoke, their drive for sex increases and that can lead to infecting others

40.      All the following are reasons that explain female vulnerability to HIV and AIDS infection except

A.    Early initiation of sexual activity

B.     Desire for financial support from men

C.     The vagina has fragile mucus lining which is easily lacerated following vigorous sex

D.    Alcohol and drug use easily break the female resistance against having sex

41.      Educational institutions have a special place in the HIV and AIDS educational drive


A.    Teachers can educate people better than any category of professionals

B.     Sexual activity in schools is becoming a big problem for society

C.     The schools have the young people who are the hope of our future and need protection

D.    Educational institutions can organize HIV and AIDS education in a systematic manner

42.      The type of HIV most commonly found in West Africa and which is able to replicate itself more rapidly is

                                 A. HIV positive         B. HIV-I        C. HIV-2        D. HIV negative          E. HIV-3

43.      Vertical transmission has been found to be the principal cause of HIV/AIDS in

A.     The youth (18 — 24 years)

B.     Adults (above 35 years)

C.     Adolescents (12 — 18 years)

D.     Children (below 5years)

44.      Which of the following cannot be a reason for the higher HIV and AIDS infection rate among women than among men

A.    The delicate membranous mucus lining of the vagina is easy to bruise than the outer tougher skin of the penis

B.    Female usually enters into many usual relations than men thus exposing themselves to higher chances of infections than men

C.    Many women lack the capacity to negotiate for safer sex thus exposing themselves to conditions that render them vulnerable

D.    Cultural practices that focus on female sexuality leave females in conditions that easily make them susceptible to infection

45.      Which of the following is a high-risk behaviour in HIV and AIDS infections?

A.            Eating with an infected person from the same bowl

B.             Sex with a condom when the status of the partner is not known

C.             Keeping many sexual partners with the trust that they cannot infect you

D. Washing the clothes of an infected person

46.      One common fact about sexually transmitted infections (ST Is) and HIV is that they..

A.    Are always transmitted through sexual intercourse.

B.    Destroy the body's immune system once they enter it

C.    All lead to the same levels of stigmatization

I). Can be prevented from entering the body by adopting safer sex practices

47.      The best way to help young people avoid HIV infection is by

A.     Equipping them with the right information and encouraging open discussion of issues of sex and sexuality

B.     Ensuring that those who become sexually active early are severely sanctioned

C.     Ensuring that those who become sexually inactive early are severely sanctioned

D.     Parent providing all their needs so that they are not forced into early sex life


48.      The basic role of counseling is to

A.     Help people who lack the capacity to take decision to use the decision of the professional

B.     Prove the capacity of the counselor in solving problems the non-professionals did not succeed in solving

C. Identify possible solutions to a problem

D. Advice people to do the right thing

49.   A disease is described as terminal when

A.    The suffer will surely have treatment

B.     It has attacked many people

C.     It kills its victims immediately they are attacked

D.    It has no cure and the sufferer will surely die

50.   HIV and AIDS are given more attention than any infections disease of the past because

A.     Technology for transmitting information is at its best than in the past

B.      The mode of transmission is behavioural which is targeted for change

C.      More funds for campaigning is available than during the disease of old

D.     It has become the norm to pay more attention to it than those diseases of old

51.   Every individual is to be concerned about HIV and AIDS because

A.     Everyone will have a relation who will be infected

B.      We all have a high level of knowledge about HIV and AIDS

C.      We are all living with somebody with HIV and AIDS

D.     Everyone is either infected or affected by the disease

52.   Why should Counseling and Testing (CT) be encouraged

A.     It helps clients know their HIV status and live positively thereafter

B.      It has become a necessary requirement for employment

C.      Those who have not gone through VCT lead careless sexual lives

D.     After the VCT the individual becomes permanently protected against any infection



Suggested question

1. The interaction between living things and non living things is known as ………………………

A. Intraspecific  B. Ecology      C. Biotic       D. Abiotic       

2. The physical environment occupied by plants and animals is known as ………………….

A. Biome ecosystem

B. Interspecific

C. Biotic

D. Abiotic

3. The relationship between individual organism of the same species is known as interspecific effect.

A. True

B. False

4. The type of vegetation succession that is initiated in new, fresh and biologically unmodified site is called………………………………..

A. Primary succession

B. Secondary  succession

C. Allogenic succession

D. Autogenic Succession

5. Autogenic Succession is driven by……………………………………………

A. Biotic Components of the ecosystem

B. Abiotic components of the ecosystem

C. Primary succession

D. Secondary  succession

6. All the following are the effects of environmental pollution except

A. Loss of lives

B. Loss of biodiversity

C. Generation of wind energy

D. Ozone layer depletion


7. The ozone layer is located in the ……………………………………………

A. Troposphere

B. Stratosphere

C. Mesosphere

D. Thermosphere

8. The natural resources are culturally specific.

A. True

B. False

9. The only planet that support the existence of live is the ………………………………………..

A. Mercury

B. Venus

C. Earth

D. Mars

10. The largest planet in the solar system is the ……………………………..

A. Neptune

B. Saturn

C. Mars

D. Jupiter

11. The inner planet classified based on rocks and metals are………………………………………..

A. Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and  Earth

B. Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and  Mars

C. Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and  Neptune

D. Mercury, Venus, Mars and  Earth

12. The planets regarded as modern planets are…………………………………………..

A. Uranus and Jupiter

B. Uranus and Mercury

C. Uranus and Mars

D. Uranus and Neptune


13. The rotation of the earth causes…………………………………………..

A. Composition of the Earth

B. Composition of the planets

C. Day and night

D. Global season

14. The belt which lies between mars and Jupiter is known as ……………………………………………….

A. Kuiper belt

B. Dark Planet Belt

C. Asteroid belt

D.  Equator belt

15. Which ocean is the Largest of all…………………………………….

A. Atlantic ocean

B. Indean ocean

C. Pacific ocean

D. Arctic ocean

16. How many continents do we have………………………………………………..

A. 7

B. 5

C. 6

D. 4

17. The most important element of climate is ………………………………………………….

A. Air pressure

B. Solar radiation

C. Humidity

D. Snow

18. The instrument used to measure relative humidity is called…………………………………..

A. Rain gauge

B. Barometer

C.  Anemometer

D. hygrometer

19. The side of a mountain which receives very little rainfall is called……………………………..

20. The largest plateaus are normally called………………………………………….




1.The interaction between living things and non living things is known as ………………………

B. Intraspecific  B. Ecology      C. Biotic       D. Abiotic       

2. Te physical environment occupied by plants and animals is known as ………………….

A. Biome ecosystem

B. Interspecific

C. Biotic

D. Abiotic

3. The relationship between individual organism of the same species is known as interspecific effect.

A. True

B. False

4. The type of vegetation succession that is initiated in new, fresh and biologically unmodified site is called………………………………..

A. Primary succession

B. Secondary  succession

C. Allogenic succession

D. Autogenic Succession

5. Autogenic Succession is driven by……………………………………………

A. Biotic Components of the ecosystem

B. Abiotic components of the ecosystem

C. Primary succession

D. Secondary  succession

6. All the following are the effects of environmental pollution except

A. Loss of lives

B. Loss of biodiversity

C. Generation of wind energy

D. Ozone layer depletion


7. The ozone layer is located in the ……………………………………………

A. Troposphere

B. Stratosphere

C. Mesosphere

D. Thermosphere

8. The natural resources are culturally specific.

A. True

B. False

9. The only planet that support the existence of live is the ………………………………………..

A. Mercury

B. Venus

C. Earth

D. Mars

10. The largest planet in the solar system is the ……………………………..

A. Neptune

B. Saturn

C. Mars

D. Jupiter

11. The inner planet classified based on rocks and metals are………………………………………..

A. Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and  Earth

B. Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and  Mars

C. Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and  Neptune

D. Mercury, Venus, Mars and  Earth

12. The planets regarded as modern planets are…………………………………………..

A. Uranus and Jupiter

B. Uranus and Mercury

C. Uranus and Mars

D. Uranus and Neptune


13. The rotation of the earth causes…………………………………………..

A. Composition of the Earth

B. Composition of the planets

C. Day and night

D. Global season

14. The belt which lies between mars and Jupiter is known as ……………………………………………….

A. Kuiper belt

B. Dark Planet Belt

C. Asteroid belt

D.  Equator belt

15. Which ocean is the Largest of all…………………………………….

A. Atlantic ocean

B. Indean ocean

C. Pacific ocean

D. Arctic ocean

16. How many continents do we have………………………………………………..

A. 7

B. 5

C. 6

D. 4

17. The most important element of climate is ………………………………………………….

A. Air pressure

B. Solar  radiation

C. Humidity

D. Snow

18. The instrument used to measure relative humidity is called…………………………………..

A. Rain gauge

B. Barometer

C.  Anemometer

D. Hygrometer

19. The side of a mountain which receives very little rainfall is called  LEEWARD SIDE

20. The largest plateaus are normally called CONTINENTAL PLATEAUS



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