Marking Guide: This is intended as a guide. Therefore accept responses that convey the meaning suggested by any of the responses suggested here or you think is most appropriate to the demands of the question.  

To ensure that at the point of scoring you’re awarding the exact marks allocated for each question, you should refer to the question paper.  

DRUM LANGUAGE: It is a specialized form of communication in which drums communicate the direct

representation of the spoken language/ Communication through drums/ Expression of the direct words of the spoken language through drums or instruments/ A form of communication in which instruments speak the message through words/ It’s the representation of the tones of actual speech through drums, etc.

Uses/ Importance of drum language: They are means of communicating urgent messages in times of crisis in societies without modern technologies of communication/ They are useful for formalized announcements especially about births, marriages, births, etc./  They are used in the context of dances, entertainments and festivals; it’s used to single out, praise and encourage significant people in the community at social functions, etc. 

PRAISE POEM: It’s a specialized form of court poetry that is used to praise people

Uses/importance of praise poems: Praise poetry stresses accepted values/ It validates status by the content of the praise, by the number and quality of the performers, and by the public nature of the recitation/It can also act as a medium of public opinion. This is because the praisers can withhold praise or include implicit or explicit derogatory allusions that sanctions a ruler’s act/ It used to publicize new status or achievements/ It is used to flatter those in power or draw attention to one’s own achievement/ It is used to preserve accepted versions of history (especially those that focus on the exploits of earlier rulers)/ It serves as an encouragement to emulation or achievement/It provides a profitable economic activity for those who specialize in it. 

The dirge is a literary form composed and performed for the occasion of a funeral; It’s a poetry of lamentation or mourning/ It is type of poetry that mourns the dead or is performed during funerals, etc. 

WHERE DIRGES ARE USED/ IMPORTANCE:Dirges are chanted or performed during funerals/ they may also performed when the corpse is lying in state, etc. 

It’s a means of praising, honor and mourn the dead/ it establishes a link between the past and present, the living and the dead/ it’s a public expression of sorrow/ etc.  

It’s a specialized literary form of poetry that is used to insult, castigate or ridicule people in authority in public/ it’s a poetry of insult that is performed in public, etc. 

It’s an avenue for the community to publicly vent their anger and grievances to those in authority without fear of being punished/ it’s a democratic means of community participation in local governance/ it’s a means by which those in those authority can measure the people response to their policies, etc.

Libation text is a specialized form of prayer that is offered to God, gods, ancestors, during particular occasions. 

The opening invocation or call/ establishing the occasion/ the request or petition/ the use of figurative language/ the use of parallelism, etc.  

Libation links human beings to God and to their fellow human beings/ Libation provides a strong sense of protection from superior beings like the Supreme Being, the ancestors and the lesser divinities/ Libation establishes solidarity and helps strengthen relationships/ Libation is a way of expressing belief in the Supreme Being, the ancestors and lesser divinities, etc. 

Outdooring of a baby/ Puberty / Initiation into adulthood/ Marriage/ Death and funeral rites/ Widowhood rites/ Libation prayer for a traveler who has returned/ Libation prayer for enstoolment of a chief/ Libation for national events.

The dirge is a type of elegiac poetry that mourns or praises the dead while elegiac poetry is the umbrella term for the types of poetry that mourn the dead.

It’s used for brevity and conciseness/ it demonstrates the wisdom and maturity of the speaker/ etc. 

The dilemma tale presents the listener with ethically difficult choices while the trickster tale presents the listener with animals that survive through intelligence and craftiness, etc. 

It shows that wisdom does not always belong to the strong/ it shows that sometimes wisdom and intelligence are more valuable that brute force or strength, etc.

A folktale is a story that has its origins in orality and revolves around animals and human beings, etc. 

It teaches morals that the society holds dear/ it’s establishes social cohesion/ it’s a means of socialization/ it teaches people about social boundaries, etc. 

A primal myth is a story that explains who a group of people think they are, who created them and for what purpose. 

In at most 2 sentences, explain bilingual education in your own words (1


Any appropriate answer the student gives E.g.

Bilingual education is any educational settings where teaching and learning are done in two languages

Briefly explain the following as studied in this course. (2 Marks)

Sequential bilingualism

Any appropriate answer the student gives


It is a situation where young children acquire the L2 after the basis for the LI has been established.

Sequential bilingualism refers to the situation where a child acquires a first language, and later becomes proficient in the second language.

Additive bilingualism

Any appropriate answer the student gives


Additive bilingualism is when a learner’s first or home language continues to be developed while he or she is learning a second language.

This is where learners develop and maintain both the L1 and the L2 throughout education.

State any 2 ways by which teachers could encourage additive bilingualism in their classrooms. (2 Marks)

Any 2 of the following:

Model the importance of bilingualism in your classroom so that students learn to appreciate their first language.

Encourage your students to develop biliteracy and bilingualism in the classroom.

Increase your wait time by few seconds (e.g. 3-5 seconds) when asking them questions in the English language especially among young learners and/or struggling English language learners.

Encourage parents to participate in their children's or ward's education and work with them to develop what they envision, in terms of their children's bilingualism.

Encourage the production of bilingual reading materials through the use of language experience activity, writing workshops, and other fun and interesting strategies.

State any 2 negative effects that students may suffer if they are denied their L1 in education.

(2 Marks)

Any 2 of the following:

It violates learners' right to heritage language.

It stagnates learners' personal and conceptual foundation in education

It breeds sufferers of internalized oppression

Most learners may suffer from lost identity

It encourages submersion

Briefly explain the import of the Threshold Theory as studied in this course. (2 Marks)

Any appropriate answer the student gives


The Threshold Theory posits that in order to gain proficiency in L2, the learner must be allowed to gain the basic level of competence in their LI.

Briefly explain Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skills (BICS) in your own words.

(2 Marks)

Any appropriate answer related to the points given below.


It is the development of conversational fluency in language learning. BICS is the kind of language used in face-to-face interaction.

It is the language needed for social interaction.

Due to its nature, language learners acquire this aspect of language learning easier and faster.

The language needed for BICS is not specialized.

State any 2 language learning activities you can use to promote the BICS of students

who got exposed to the English language at school. (2 Marks)

Any 2 of the following:

Name Circle


Buddy Walk and Share

Meet my Friend

Picture/Flashcard Charade Activity, etc.

State any 2 academic benefits learners gain from the use of mother tongue based

bilingual medium of instruction (MTB-BMol) (4 Marks)

Any 2 of the following

i MTB-BMol creates conducive learning environment and maximizes students’ class participation.

It fosters non-native L2 teachers' instruction thereby enhancing students' academic achievement.

It scaffolds the learning of the L2.

There is positive health implication in bilingualism.

Bilingualism enhances the executive functioning of learners.

It helps lay solid academic foundation for future learning since learners comprehend concepts taught from the beginning of their schooling

What contemporary theory supports the language policy used in the Gold Coast during the pre-colonial era?

(1 Mark) i. Socio-cultural theory

Write any 2 missions with their respective current names that reduced the Ghanaian languages into writing in their quest to promote quality education in the country. (2 Marks)

Any 2 of the following:

i. Catholic Mission

Catholic Church

Basel Mission

Presbyterian Church of Ghana

Bremen Mission

Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Ghana

Wesleyan Mission

Methodist Church, Ghana



Mention the originators or inventors of the following neo-traditional dance ensembles

Kpanlogo Dance 

Bɔbɔɔbɔ Dance

Explain the following elements under the three components of the Performing Arts

Music ( Rhythm, Harmony, Form, Texture, Tempo, Dynamics, Melody, Timbre)

Dance (Movement, Space, Costume, Gestures, Dynamics, Form)

Drama ( Plot, Characters, Theme, Diction, Music, Spectacle, Stage, Props, Scenery)

State the instrumental set ups of the following Ghanaian traditional ensembles

Fɔntɔntrɔm  Ensemble

Adowa Ensemble  

Agbadza Ensemble

Kolomashie Ensemble

Kete Ensemble

Apatampa Ensemble

Bɔbɔɔbɔ Ensemble

Damba Ensemble

List four styles of each of the following Ghanaian traditional ensembles

Fɔntɔnfrɔm Ensemble

Kete Ensemble

Who was/is nicknamed “The Father of Art Music in Ghana”?

Mention Ten prominent/renowned art music composers/musicians that Ghana has produced

List Ten Ghanaian drama artists that have helped developed the film industry

State five Ghanaian comedians you have met, seen or watched.

Mention the names of the persons who emerged victorious in the first and second editions of the DI ASA DANCE competition organized by Atinka TV.

Mention three skillful Ghanaian popular dancers that you know.


Formulate a perfect theme or title for the artistic work.

Produce all the text or lyrics used for the composition of the art work.

Examine the mode or medium through which performance of the piece of art work is demonstrated.

State the context in which the piece is performed.

Describe the venue or location of the performance.

Mention the various instruments used and identify them with their respective categories or classifications.


APRIL, 2021
EBS 337
Answer ALL the questions on the question paper.

1. The use of on-screen text or symbols to highlight important information is known as
A.  Segmenting
B.  Weeding
C.  Matching modality
D.  Signaling
2.   The process of using both the audio or verbal channels and the visual or pictorial channel to convey new information is termed as………………………….
A.  Segmenting
B.  Weeding
C.  Matching modality
D.  Signaling
3.   A…………………………tool can connect teachers and students across designated networks over a high speed internet connection
A. video or webconferencing
B.  visual Aid
C.  Mind 
D.   Ubiquitous computer
4.  An innovative trend in ICT education that seek to provide information to every learner and create learning environment that assume universal access to technology is…………..
A. One-to-Many Computing
B.  One-to-One Computing
C.  Multi-Computer Classroom
D. Many-to-One Computing
5.  Mr. Oppong uses video for demonstration to teach Types of Computers at the computer lab. Indicate which construct of knowledge or framework used.
C.   TCK
6.   A digital representation of a non-text information such as icons, clip arts, illustrations , diagrams etc is known as ……………………..
A. Text
B.  Animation
C. Transition
D.  Graphics 
7.  The kind of training in which all learning materials are uploaded on the internet for learners to access is termed as ………
A.  Computer-Assisted Instruction
B.  Computer Aided Design
C.  Computer-Based Training
D.  Web-Based Training
8.  Gramophones, compact disks (CDs), Compact disk-Read Only Memory (CD-ROM), CD-Recordable (CD-R), CD-RW (Re-Writable), Digital Versatile Disk, (DVD), DVD-R, DVD-RW, Blue-Ray disks are all multimedia storage collectively called………
A.  Magnetic storage
B.  Flash Memory
C.  Optical storage
D.  Cloud storage
9.   A space, sizable enough to occupy by computers and other accessories which provide computer services to a defined community is a…………………..
A.  Resoure Centre
B.  Computer lab
C.  Simulation room
D.  School Library

10.  A software program or hardware, which check and block messages coming from external sources onto your PC is called……
A.  Firewall
B.  Virus
D.  Spyware
11.   ………………….refers to the efficiency of teachers in using computers
A.  educational technology, E.T
B.  Computer-Aided Instruction, CAI
C.   Web-Based Training, WBT
D.  Computer-Based Training, CBT
12.  In planning to integrating technology into the curriculum the first step is to ………………
A.  State Objectives
B.  Require Learner Participation
C.  Analyze learners
D.  Select Instructional Methods
13.  Classroom management plan entails all of the following except…….
A.  Organisation
B.  Planning
C.  Monitoring
D.  Communication
14.  Computer can primarily serve all the following roles  except……
A.  Computer as a tutor
B.  Computer  Providing practice
C.  Computer as a support
D.  Computer as mindtool
15.  Hypertext is one key concept of the world wide web, www. Web pages are often written in a special language called……….?
16.  ………………….. is a text displayed on a computer and other electronic devices for readers to immediately access. 
A.  Hypertext
B.  Hyperlink
C.  SMS Messages
D.  Hypermedia 
17.  The type of cognitive load Learning experience in which the level of cognitive activity necessary to reach the desired learning outcome is…………….
A.  germane load
B.  extraneous load
C.  intrinsic load
D.  Cognitive load
18..   The combination of two or more media elements such as text, video, audio etc to convey information to audience is referred to as ……………….
A.  Integration
B.  Hypermedia
C.  Multimedia
D.  Multitasking 
19.   One innovative trend in ICT education associated with the emergence of increasing rebust connectivity and computing anytime, everywhere is term often referred to as….
A.   Cloud Computing
B.  Gaming 
C.  Ubiquitous learning
D.  Mobile learning
20.   A learning platform designed to provide educators, administrators and learners with secure and integrated system to create personalized learning environment is…………..
A.  Wikis
B.  Moodle
C.  Padlet
D.  Google

1.  State four potential benefits associated with technology integration in the classroom.

2. a.  Define the term Computer Lab  (2marks)

b.  State and explain Four (4) factors to be considered when setting up a computer lab at your college. 2marks each

3.   Explain any five (5) barriers associated with Technology Integration in the classroom. (10 marks)

4. a.  Define the term Multimedia. _____________________________________________________________________________________

b. Explain the following elements of Multimedia
i.  Text__________________________________________________________________________
ii.  Animation ____________________________________________________________________
iii. Video________________________________________________________________________
iv. Audio  _______________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________2marks each

5. a. State three reasons teachers should use TPACK in the teaching. 2marks each
b.    Write down two importance of Multimedia in education         2marks each 

Marking Scheme
 D   Signaling
C   Matching Modality
A.   Video/Webconferencing
B.  One-to-One Computing
   D  Graphics
D. Web-Based Training
C. Optical Storage
B.  Computer Lab
A.  Firewall
A.  Educational Technology
C.  Analyze Learners
B. Planning
B.  Providing practice
A.  Hypertext
A.  Germane load
C.  Multimedia
C. Ubiquitous Learning
B.  Moodle






Human resource.


B.   design the curriculum of initial training

C. coaching

Personal views of people about the appraisee. 

D. teacher training 

D. The changes it brings about are likely to show in the long term.

A. achieving effective performance

A. accommodates behaviour which is unique to individuals 

A. attitudinal.

For items 11-15, write in the spaces provided, the responses which correctly or best answer the question.
Explain the process of staff performance appraisal cycle. 

Performance standards are set and inputs are provided by the employer for the employee. The employee’s performance on the job is then observed through monitoring and evaluation. The appraiser then discusses his/her observations with the appraisee.  At this point, clarification on some methods employed by the appraisee is sought if any. The process ends with the appraiser recording the feedback and discussion that ensued. 
Note: award the full mark of 2 if all the processes (4 processes) are present in the response. Alternatively, award half a mark for any of the processes that are present in the response.
List two competencies that the headteacher of a school would look for when appraising the performance of his teachers. 

Note: award 2 marks for any two of the following (or any response that is acceptable but not listed below)
Advance preparation towards lesson delivery
Lesson presentation
Assessment of pupils’ performance
Record keeping
Professional development
Professional conduct
Communication skills
Involvement in co-curricular activities

State two things that are peculiar to teacher education. 

Note: award 2 marks for any two of the following (or any response that is acceptable but not listed below)

Teacher education has been segregated into stage-specific programmes (i.e. programmes specific to early childhood stage, primary and secondary stages). 
It is ever changing and dynamic.
Teacher education is broad and comprehensive.
Outline two things that are common to education and training. 

Note: award 2 marks for any two of the following (or any response that is acceptable but not listed below)

They are both structured
Both involve processes 
They both aim at developing the teacher
They both involve assessment of the teacher trainee
They both involve acquisition of knowledge and skills.

Explain the term ‘teaching skills’. (2 marks)

Note: award 1 mark if this is partially answered. 
Teaching skills include training and practice in the different techniques, approaches and strategies to enable teachers to plan and impart instruction, provide appropriate reinforcement and conduct effective assessment. It includes effective classroom management skills, preparation and use of instructional materials and communication skills. 

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