Q1. What is language?

*is the medium of communication in which the use of sing and symbols for easy understand 

*Q2*. What is literacy?

*Is the ability to read and write 

*Q3.* Give three 3 misconceptions about language and literacy.

*children can learn as the same way they talk

*child who can not read at the early stage will catch up with others later 

*to spell worlds correctly,one needs to write the worlds repeatedly

*Q4.* Give three 3 similarities between language and literacy.

*Both can be learn in artificial environments 

*Both are spread in writing and recording 

*Both are means the of communication 

*Both have the same purpose

*Both language help children to succeed

*Q5.* Give three 3 difference between language and literacy

*language is natural and literacy is artificial 

*language is dynamic and literacy is stactic 

*Q6.* Give components of language 

*Goal- give direction 






*Q7.* Give three 3 ways we can use to address the bias and misconceptions of language and literacy


*start with the fact before you think 

*give learners the correct information 

*various strategies to help the child 


*start with fat/truth 

*let them know that all this misconception are wrong 

*give the learners the correct information

*Q8.* Differentiate between a dialect and ideolect.

*Diallect is a form of language spoken by a specific group of people at a particular period 


Ideolect is a form of language spoken by a particular person at a particular time

*Q9.* State 4 characteristics of language.

*language dynamics 

*language is medium of communication 

*language is structure

*language is symbolic 

*language is systematic 

*Q10.* Give four 4 components of literacy.

*oral language 

*phonological awareness 

*word identification 



 *Q1.* State the four(4) stages of language planning with reference to the bottom up approach.

 *Q2.* Identify any three(3) linguistic factors that affect 2nd language acquisition.

 *Q3.* According to Poole(1996) language is inherited ........... but acquire ......... from ............ .

 *Q4.* The three(3) main types of language planning are; status planning, acquisition planning and ............. .

 *Q5.* The study of all forms of dialect is termed as ..............

 *Q6.* The practice where learners are made to lose the first language is known as .................

 *Q7.* The bilingual education policy that develops the child's first language to full proficiency is known as .............

 *Q8.* The three(3) main domain of Bloom's taxonomy are ............ .

 *Q9.* The process by which humans acquire the capacity to perceive and comprehend language as well as the use of words to communicate is known as ............. .

 *Q10.* A dialect is ............. . 


 *Q1.*Explain the concept of literacy development.

Q2. Identify the four stages of literacy development.

Q3. What is first language acquisition?

Q4. Explain the theories of first language acquisition.

Q5. Explain the stages of first language acquisition.

Q6. What is 2nd language acquisition?

Q7. Identify the theories of 2nd Language acquisition.

Q8. Explain the stages of 2nd language acquisition.

Q9. List four(4) determinant of 1st language acquisition.

Q10. What is bilingual education? 

Q11. Explain the types of bilingual education.

Q12. Give three(3) importance of bilingual education.

Q13. What is language policy.

Q14. Identify the language policies in Ghanaians educational system.

Q15. Identify the challenges associated with the implementation of language policy in Ghana. 

Q16. What is language planning?

Q17. Identify the types of language planning.

Q18. Explain five(5) factors that influence language planning.

Q19. Identify three(3) types of language policy.

Q20. What is a good literacy program?

Q21. Identify three(3) characteristics of a good literacy program.

Q22. Who is a good literacy teacher?

Q23. Discuss three(3) ways of becoming a good language teacher.

Q24. Identify three(3) qualities of a good language teacher.


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  1. Great job 👍 thanks very much ,Will be expecting more .


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