Highlights of Project Work Workshop

Students should do the project work in their areas of study.

Title of the project work should not be more than 20 words.

Apart from action research students may undertake some educational descriptive studies.

Minimum number of pages for project work is 20 and maximum is 30. Note: Preliminary and appendices pages are excluded from the indicated number of pages.

Name of college and department of student should replace that of the University of Cape Coast in the outsider, inside and declaration pages.

Numbers in the abstract should be written in figures.

In commenting on results in tables do not repeat the percentages stated.

Talk more about how the research instruments were used in gathering data than about the instruments themselves.

Encourage students to seek the consent of pupils either orally or written.

Recommended writing style of American Psychological Association (APA, 6th ed.) should be used for the project work.

Students will use the whole academic year for the project work. They will start the project work in first semester, register it in the second semester and

complete it before the end of their second semester examination.

There will be both formative and summative assessment of the project work. Scoring of chapters 1 and 2 (30%) constitute component 1 of the formative assessment while that of chapters 3 and 4 (30%) make up component 2. Final assessment of the whole project work, chapters 1 to 5 constitute component 3, summative assessment (40%).

Thank You...Goodluck!

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