Chapter 1 : Introduction
Chapter 2 : Review of Related Literature
Chapter  3: Methodology
Chapter  4 : Results and Discussion
Chapter  5 : Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations

Background to the Study
Statement of the problem
Purpose of the study
Research Questions/Objectives/Hypotheses
Significance of the Study
Delimitation of the Study
Limitations of the Study

Background to the Study
It is the description of the context of the problem

Statement of the problem.
State the issue which has prompted the study. 
Describe the problem as you have personally  encountered.
Eg. In my English Language lessons, I observed that the pupils could neither speak nor understand simple instruction in English.

Purpose of the study
It indicates the intentions for conducting  the study
Eg. To  assess, to examine, to explore etc
The purpose of the study is to use oral activities to improve English Language

Delimitation of the Study
Specify delimitation in terms of scope of topic of study, population and geographical location.
Limitations of the Study
Specify limitations of your study in terms of:
 Internal validity      - research design shortcomings
External validity     - how generalizable are the findings?

Research Questions
The research questions should relate directly to the purpose of the study.
Eg What are the causes of  Abakam L/A Primary 3 pupils’ English speaking disability.
Significance of the Study
How  will your study findings improve teaching, contribute to knowledge and suggest alternatives in doing similar studies.
Delimitation of the Study
Specify delimitation in terms of scope of topic of study, population and geographical location.

Limitations of the Study
Specify limitations of your study in terms of:
 Internal validity      - research design shortcomings
External; validity     - how generalizable are the findings?
 Measurement issues - how reliable and valid are the Instruments used? Eg. Due to truancy, some pupils may not be present at school  through the period of intervention and this may affect the results of the study 
Definition of Terms (if any)
Organization of the  Study

This chapter provides support for the study
It covers what has been done on the topic in terms of :
Theories of concepts
Empirical evidence

The literature review in not simply a collection of notes from books or journals.  You should digest and critique what you read and write in your own words as much as possible.  Do not just pool together materials from different sources. The chapter should end with a summary of the review that highlights the most important studies , captures major themes in the review.

 This chapter explains how the study was conducted.  The introductory paragraph should provide an overview of what is covered in this chapter.  The following sub-headings are used in this chapter:

Research Design
Describe the type of study and design (e.g. survey, Case studies or action research).Explain rationale for the design. Indicate the strengths and weaknesses of the design.

Define/describe population.
Sample and Sampling procedure
State sample size and how sample was selected.
Give rationale for the selection procedure and the sample size
Provide background characteristics of the sample, for example, Age, gender.

Instrument(s): Observation, test etc
 Describe how instrument was developed.
   Specify how item format was determined.
Describe pre-testing/field-testing/pilot testing of instrument is a new or adapted (modified) instrument is used.
Show how validity was determined.
Describe the strengths and weakness of the instrument used.

Date Collection Procedure
Describe pilot study (if done)
Describe how the main data was collected step by step.
Indicate when data was collected and how long it took.
Indicate who collected the data and how training was done if assistants were used.

Data Analysis

Present the results with their discussion by research questions/hypotheses/objectives.
The discussion should include the interpretation of the findings in reference to the literature/pervious findings, theory or through logical deduction.
Evaluate each finding and examine implications with respect to the current theoretical position on the issue as well as educational; practice.

Provide a summary of the key findings of the study.

This section is based on the results and findings and not a restatement of the results of the study or a summary of the discussion. 
The researcher states precisely his/her position regarding the hypotheses/questions.  The researcher indicates whether the findings confirmed or disconfirmed the hypotheses or questions. 
The researcher indicates his/her overall opinion regarding the study (i.e What is new )
Indicate whether the original problem is better understood, or resolved as a result of the study). 

Make recommendations for policy and practice. The recommendations should be based on the findings of the study.  Give suggestions for further research.

The Faculty of Education follows the APA referencing style.
The title REFERENCES should be typed in upper case in the text.

The abstract is a summary that tells the reader what the report is about and what the main conclusions are. It should not exceed 250 words (approximately one page - double spaced).  It should be developed in well-structured paragraphs.  Note that an abstract should not, other than exceptional Circumstances, contain symbols and many technical terms.  The abstract page is numbered iii (page three in lower case Roman Numerals) in the report.  The abstract should not contain subheadings and citations.   The title ABSTRACT should be typed in upper case and centred.

 This section provides the student with the opportunity to express gratitude to those who directly assisted the student to successfully complete the Thesis/Dissertation/Project work.  These may be mentors, supervisors, organization, officials, chiefs, and colleagues, among others.  The acknowledgements page must be placed immediately after the abstract page. Acknowledging God, Allah any other supernatural powers in documents of this nature is not allowed. The title ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS should be typed in upper case and centred. 

A student may dedicate the work to a person or group although this is not a requirement.  It should be noted that the dedication page is not another acknowledgements page.  It should contain at most two lines, consisting of just a few words and must be centred.
Examples: To My Family
In memory of My Father
The tile DEDICATION should be typed in upper case and centred.
Table of Contents
The title TABLE OF CONTENTS, not just CONTENTS, 
Should be tYped in upper case and made bold.  Sub-headings should appear in the title heads (first) letters capitalized as in the main text) and should not be numbered.  The corresponding pages of all headings and sub-headings should be indicated.  All chapter headings should be in UPPER CASE letters.




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